8 Common Car Accident Injuries

Car Accident Injuries

If you’ve ever been involved in a car accident of any kind, you know firsthand how much of a shock to the system it can be. Even if you don’t sustain any serious injuries, you’re often left ruminating over the accident, replaying it in your mind for weeks on end. If you are ever in…

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Understanding Car Accident Compensation


At Motorlegal, our aim is to protect the rights of injured motorists and their passengers by ensuring they get the compensation they deserve after an accident. This usually involves claiming compensation for both out-of-pocket expenses and non-pecuniary losses, primarily for pain and suffering. At Motorlegal, we’re here to serve you and ensure that the right…

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What You Should Do After a Car Accident

Car Accident - What To Do

There’s no way around it – being involved in a car accident is traumatic. Most people tend not to think about what will happen if they have an accident. But having an experienced accident claims lawyer available to guide you in the aftermath of an accident can be helpful; to explain the process, your rights…

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